Cherry Bark Prunus serotina

Cherry Bark Prunus serotina

Wild Cherry: Prunus serotina 

Family: Rosaceae

Descriptive Characteristics

 Common tree-bark of tree is used, Flower- white in spring, Bark-Smooth when young, horizontal elongated lenticels. Small cherries fruit in the summer, black when ripe 


Anthocyanins (cyanidin-3-O-glucoside, cyanidin) Phenolic and antioxidant compounds, nitrates, and cyanide, nitrites

Therapeutic Actions

Sedative, expectorant, astringent, antitussive. Primarily used for coughs, whooping cough, lung problems. diarrhea, digestive disorders, pain and cancer


Liquid extract

Orally: 5 to 10 drops, 2-3x daily


Not for long term use or for use when pregnant: prunasin may be a teratogen. In large amounts, can lead to fatal poisoning. 

May inhibit the cytochrome pathway and may increase the drugs metabolized

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